
SVET Reports

What’s Up With Megalomaniacs?

As management technologies have progressed, particularly with the advent of personal computers and the Internet in the 1960s, the executive branch of government has gained a powerful new tool to centralize its control over citizens. Today, as corporate social networks harvest vast amounts of private data from people around the globe, this control has become Orwellian and is routinely misused by those at the top of the government hierarchy. This situation poses an extreme danger, not only to all forms of democratic and decentralized governance but also to the future of humanity itself. Transforming our world into a machine that produces thrills and extravagant experiences for a handful of megalomaniacs represents one of the bleakest forms of dystopia imaginable.

To counter this trend, it is imperative to urgently reduce the executive powers granted to individuals across all branches of government and to transfer those powers to elected representative bodies. The highest office in the land should be abolished altogether. Our planet no longer requires rulers; instead, it needs collective housekeepers who prioritize the well-being of the entire community.